Thursday, 23 August 2012

A. Q.: Loyalty ceremony stirs debate in Morocco because of rituals

Raises the annual ceremony of allegiance to the King of Morocco in memory of sitting on the throne a debate between those who favor these ceremonies and rituals claimants refurbished in line with the new constitution.

And tried dozens of activists Wednesday a symbolic ceremony in front of the Moroccan parliament to protest against what they call "rituals that degrade human dignity" and of bowing among officials in front of king Mmtt the horse on party loyalty.

But police proceeded to disperse them by force while exposing journalists who tried to cover what happened to hit and النابي talk by security agents.

The statement came and activists gathered in the wake of party loyalty to King Mohammed VI at the royal palace in Rabat on Tuesday evening in the presence of senior officials and ministers and their staff for the Moroccan Interior Ministry.

Critics considered the ritual ceremony loyalty, lining up dozens of deputies and officials and senior staff and dignitaries in long rows off King and rotation of bowing to him, chanting the phrase "God bless the age sir," is "offensive to human dignity" does not benefit the image of Morocco.

Commenting on the ceremony of allegiance, said the leader of the Justice and Development Party Muslim who leads the governing coalition, Abdelali protector of religion, told AFP, "Nothing obliges us to establish a ceremony loyalty each year, and the king does not need to those rituals degrading to human dignity to earn respect," adding " So it shall abandon the rituals so Ntnaqd not with political modernity speech call of the requirements of the new Constitution. "

The leader of the Justice and Development Party said government ministers "did not kneel to the king during the ceremony Wadhwa greeting normal" Unlike governors, workers and staff of the Ministry of Interior, who performed weather details, stressing that "no split within his own party about the refusal of the performance of the ritual."

Most newspapers spoke Moroccan Thursday "to reduce the waiting period" before performing the ritual, bowing to the king, also pointing out that members of the Islamic government bowed simple bow to greet the king instead of the usual bowing, saying he was "softening of the ceremony."

Four of the ministers of the ruling Justice and Development Islamic in the current government from within 166 personal, signed the statement on behalf of "the change we want" in the March 30 / March 2011 at the height of protests demanding political reform.

Among the terms of this statement calling for "the cancellation of all ceremonies, traditions and rituals humiliating and degrading inventory of dignity."

The "Statement of dignity", which was signed hundred personal and personal Moroccan from several affiliations, he stressed that "the contract between the people and the state takes in democratic countries form a democratic constitution pay zakaah people through free and fair referendum, making him a contract establishes the legitimacy of the regime and the state."

The statement was signed by lawyers and human rights activists and militants in the February 20 protest movement and politicians, mostly from the left, in addition to members of the Justice and Development Party wing, which leads the current government coalition, including one of the party's parliamentarians.

The Abdul Ilah son Kieran Prime Minister of Morocco, said in a program on state television, "I will not accept the king's hand that I met him as I will not be the safest it as a friend because he is king," adding, "The ceremony loyalty bring him must undone because we are in 21 and even join in with the times However demands of the February 20 youth and the demands of the ruling Justice and Development ".

But Ahmed conciliation and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs in the government of Kiran semi told state television ceremony of allegiance to the king to "sell Radwan", known in Islamic history when he took the Prophet Muhammad era of Muslims under a tree in Hudaybiyah Bala flee when meet them for the enemy.

The group criticized the Islamic justice and charity banned in Morocco in an article on its website, this analogy.

Said wondering "When the system is in the eyes of the missionaries (Pavdhalh) like succession of the Prophet peace be upon him monopolize wealth and power?".

She added, "Is the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him invest in livelihoods slaves? Will accumulated wealth is classified as world's wealthiest men? Will subjected slaves to his person - a Akram God created - Vhchroa queues performing obeisance curvature and Rkoaa and submissive?".

For her part, Dad Mlhafe one activist who tried to participate in the ceremony symbolic Wednesday, told AFP "Funniest Features world in us (we) this ritual degrading", wondering, "but says the king himself while putting his head on the pillow to sleep it ritual eating them forever and drink?".

She said in response to the defenders of tradition and ritual ceremony loyalty "no matter how you try to justify it being a long tradition it is contrary to the right path."

She noted that "King when he wanted to get rid of such archaic rituals married a woman from the general public and he showed on TV and in some of the activities", confirming that it was "a question of will, no more no less."

As King Mohammed VI has denied in an interview to the magazine "Paris Match" in 2004 to be a non-royal protocol, stressing that he is "a precious legacy from the past."

"The rumors as if I changed what had existed a bit and this is a mistake because the method is different." He added that "the Moroccan privacy protocol (...) and I'm keen to maintain the accuracy and all rules."

"It is that the protocol should be in line with my style. Was born and raised in this tradition of protocol and represents an integral part of my being, and especially in my career that these traditions remain coupled."

The fall ceremony loyalty within what is known as the Moroccan tradition of "House of the store" any aspects of the lives of the royal family and servants inside the palaces, and some of it will offer state television on official occasions. But most respects remains unknown to the public because of the secret nature of Moroccan enveloped.

And cost of ownership in Morocco to maintain the traditions and ceremonies nearly 1,400 domestic employees spread over more than a dozen palaces and residences inside and outside Morocco allocates them from the state budget each year, according to figures released by the Moroccan press, 2.56 billion dirhams (232 million euros).


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