Saturday, 25 August 2012

U.S. human rights delegation solves eye and back calls to see neutral

The U.S. human rights delegation led by Kerry Kennedy (pictured) president of the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation, a visit to the cities of the Moroccan Sahara and the Tindouf camps during the period from 24 August to 31 him.
The aim of the delegation's visit jurist mentioned, which includes activists Americans in the field of human rights, including Mary Lawlor activist organization Frontline and Maria del Rio founding member Jose Saramago and Marialina Marcoche Head Branch Foundation Robert Kennedy in Europe and Margaret Mae McCauley Judge in American Court of Human Rights, to formulate Report on the human rights situation on the ground in the desert and that by listening directly to jurists in the region and also listen to those who are described as Panevsalaa inside.
The solution delegation "Kerry Kennedy" on Friday in Laayoune amid security measures described sources Badah both within the airport or its surroundings or the city center, said the same sources said that the delegation jurist went straight to his residence and that both wanted to be in front of its members had them including Aminatou Haidar sloping from AQA province region Tata.
And contrary to what promoted by media outlets loyal to the Polisario, said actors civilians for "Hespress" The city of Laayoune know stable in terms of security, accompanied by procedures are almost normal and routine, and that the delegation's visit jurist was known was not the cause of any change in the security measures, city has been spared encirclement and blockade as claimed by the Polisario Front.
Commenting on the theme of the delegation's visit jurist U.S. referred to the cities of the desert of Morocco, said Mustafa back and Communication Minister and government spokesman, said what awaits Morocco is to stand human rights organizations of any nationality were on the facts as they are on the ground, and give an objective view and neutral without bias stressing that extraordinary things in the cities of the desert, and very quiet, which is considered a power back when Morocco explains.
The visit human rights organizations American cities desert, amid concern that reflects the report to be prepared and viewpoint Foundation President Robert Kennedy, particularly as it has already stated that they will visit the cities of the desert in order to support the empowerment of the UN mission in the region of the powers of Human Rights Watch, which was the focus of rejection by official bodies civilian and Morocco, and that he had previously also awarded a few months before the award on behalf of her organization to Aminatou Haidar which does not conceal separatist tendency.


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