According to the site "Egypt Today" from launching Sheikh "Abdullah Badr" strong attack on the artist Elham Shahin response to her statement in the program, "I am, honey," when she said that the artistic community will not give in to emphasize the militant Islamic, and that Islamists would control the art does not culture.
He said: "Badr" through the Hawara on channel "keeper": "Ilham Shaheen did not provide only nudity and adultery and pornography, which she knew our daughters over the her career" nudity, love and debauchery and adultery, "was submitted films disgusted including humans."
He is of the Islamists in order to control extremism, we judge the Koran and the Sunnah, the Messenger of Allah said: "There are two types of people did not fire. I saw, scantily dressed women Mailat Mmellat Rashen Kosnmp Parsimony not enter Paradise nor even smell its fragrance."
And concluded under the direction her question now: How One Game and how one lap and how much one Aatlaki in movies and Msarht which Taatbahen it??? .
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