Wore Mohamed Sassi, a leading figure in the PSUV, meal analyst in a speech Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane, where singled out for this purpose articles published recently in some newspapers and media outlets, and borrowed where some analysis tools discourse that explain which method continues leader "lamp "since I became head of the government months ago.
Star politics
He described Sassi Benkirane, in his article and feature titled "for objection", as "star of life Moroccan political current undisputed, where we view pictures through the covers of magazines, and echoed his statements and speeches in the newspapers, newsletters, hosted satellite TV, and fills his news world and employ people" .
The ledger at the Law Faculty in Rabat that has never personal first in the government of Morocco to provide them with what is available today to Benkirane of media presence is strong and sexy; since Benkirane create exception, talk more than they spoke before him in relation to the length of time for which he was prime minister .. ".
According to Sassi, in his article itself, that "the way in which it occurs by Benkirane Moroccan new to them, did not Aahduha of others, it does not look like anyone who endured the responsibility at the top of the pyramid of government, and they do not liken", pointing out that with that, "There is always a threat prominent political figures in any society, which leads to appear dense media people to conclude them, and recipients feeling that those faces repeat themselves and do not offer a new ".
He acknowledged the author that Benkirane personal unwanted media, seeking to the media, but this character is also seeking to media, he wants to talk directly and without arguments, to the extent that it has become practically is speaking the actual name of the government, "says Sassi before adds that the practical result all this is that "the government had almost become Benkirane, Benkirane almost become the government."
Sassi stressed, in his article for the communicative discourse analysis Benkirane, that "the most important transformation occurred on the communicative path to the head of government is moving from the use of the conscience of the speaker combination at an earlier stage, to use a lot conscience single speaker at the current stage.
Benkirane speaks in the singular
And singled leading leftist for this given specifically an article, published in the Thursday of the evening newspaper, where he explained that Benkirane moved from modern first person plural to express slogans major "historic" would raise concerns both realms and researchers, to stage the use of speaker singular remarkably and overpowering.
He quoted Sassi number of phrases famous uttered by Benkirane, such as addressing poor families "should not wait for me to send you eighth sacrificial feast," or "I do not want to raise my price of sugar template until there is no I target the poor," and also saying " I Knkafsh from crisis .. snitch their ability I? .. "I promised Moroccans I We Magadec take, but I will not protect anyone if you take ...".
He attributed the Sassi delinquency Benkirane to excessive use of rhetoric to the conscience of the speaker single to semantics and many factors, including the desire to perhaps take personal responsibility for "experience" as a whole, that is, Benkirane here expresses his willingness to make sacrifice political person instead borne by the party or the government, and this the writer adds meaning initially involves political courage. "
It connotations for asylum Benkirane to speaker singular also, according to Sassi, "feeling the prime minister perhaps that person is the owner of the credit for all this, he Maker event and energized primary and engineer stage", and that "practical necessity resulting from the transition from opposition to government in a situation complex and difficult and risky the use of the conscience becomes speaker combination, bringing the trouble. "
Star politics
He described Sassi Benkirane, in his article and feature titled "for objection", as "star of life Moroccan political current undisputed, where we view pictures through the covers of magazines, and echoed his statements and speeches in the newspapers, newsletters, hosted satellite TV, and fills his news world and employ people" .
The ledger at the Law Faculty in Rabat that has never personal first in the government of Morocco to provide them with what is available today to Benkirane of media presence is strong and sexy; since Benkirane create exception, talk more than they spoke before him in relation to the length of time for which he was prime minister .. ".
According to Sassi, in his article itself, that "the way in which it occurs by Benkirane Moroccan new to them, did not Aahduha of others, it does not look like anyone who endured the responsibility at the top of the pyramid of government, and they do not liken", pointing out that with that, "There is always a threat prominent political figures in any society, which leads to appear dense media people to conclude them, and recipients feeling that those faces repeat themselves and do not offer a new ".
He acknowledged the author that Benkirane personal unwanted media, seeking to the media, but this character is also seeking to media, he wants to talk directly and without arguments, to the extent that it has become practically is speaking the actual name of the government, "says Sassi before adds that the practical result all this is that "the government had almost become Benkirane, Benkirane almost become the government."
Sassi stressed, in his article for the communicative discourse analysis Benkirane, that "the most important transformation occurred on the communicative path to the head of government is moving from the use of the conscience of the speaker combination at an earlier stage, to use a lot conscience single speaker at the current stage.
Benkirane speaks in the singular
And singled leading leftist for this given specifically an article, published in the Thursday of the evening newspaper, where he explained that Benkirane moved from modern first person plural to express slogans major "historic" would raise concerns both realms and researchers, to stage the use of speaker singular remarkably and overpowering.
He quoted Sassi number of phrases famous uttered by Benkirane, such as addressing poor families "should not wait for me to send you eighth sacrificial feast," or "I do not want to raise my price of sugar template until there is no I target the poor," and also saying " I Knkafsh from crisis .. snitch their ability I? .. "I promised Moroccans I We Magadec take, but I will not protect anyone if you take ...".
He attributed the Sassi delinquency Benkirane to excessive use of rhetoric to the conscience of the speaker single to semantics and many factors, including the desire to perhaps take personal responsibility for "experience" as a whole, that is, Benkirane here expresses his willingness to make sacrifice political person instead borne by the party or the government, and this the writer adds meaning initially involves political courage. "
It connotations for asylum Benkirane to speaker singular also, according to Sassi, "feeling the prime minister perhaps that person is the owner of the credit for all this, he Maker event and energized primary and engineer stage", and that "practical necessity resulting from the transition from opposition to government in a situation complex and difficult and risky the use of the conscience becomes speaker combination, bringing the trouble. "
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