Tuesday, 21 August 2012

King puts the "road map" for education reform in a speech August 20

Singled out by King Mohammed VI, in his speech on Monday evening, on the occasion of the anniversary of Revolution of the King and the people, an important aspect to the issue of education reform and public school in the country, highlighting that youth involvement in the democratic choice of the country hinges on the extent of rehabilitation and envisioned for the future, and this brings us, adds King, the educational system and their ability to form new generations, and prepared to contribute to the development path of democratic society.

Road Map for Education

He stressed the Moroccan monarch that "to be poring hard on this educational system that we wondered today as should not only ensure the right of access and equitable based on equality to school and university for all our children, but should entitle them also have the right to benefit in the education of continued good feasibility and attractiveness, and appropriate of life ahead of them. "

And went on King in the development of the blocks "road map" of what should be the education in Morocco, where he said that the educational system in the country should aim to develop queens young and invest their creativity and develop their personalities for the advancement of the duties of citizenship in a climate of dignity and equality of opportunity.

To this end, complete with King, must work to activate what has been recommended in recent years and the embodiment stipulated by the new constitution on modern education and good, persisting that he should reconsider the ways tired at school.

And explains the King's speech anniversary Revolution of the King and the people themselves that must move from the logic of an educational focus on the teacher and performance limited to teach knowledge to learners on the logic of another is based on the interaction of these learners and develop their self-provide them with opportunities for innovation and the acquisition of skills and saturation values ​​of coexistence with others, in commitment to the values ​​of freedom, equality and respect for diversity and difference.

"It's not in the context of the reform desired change programs or add materials or delete other, but what is needed is the change that affects the logic configuration and its objectives, and that by giving signs of a new work teacher, as well as transforming the school depends on the logic-based shipping memory and control knowledge to logic envisages hone critical thinking and the development of intelligence to engage in the knowledge society and communication.

The king called the government to work in this direction in order to focus on the advancement of the school of public as well as private education in a framework of interaction and integration, stressing that should accelerate the activation of the requirements of the Constitution on the Supreme Council for Education and Training and Scientific Research in its new, to contribute to this body in the success of this fundamental shift and that fateful's not about the fate of young people, but also the fate of Morocco countries and nation, "says King Mohammed VI.

Culture and community

King did not fail in his speech that the limp on the subject of culture, which is pivotal lever designed to highlight the national character main engine for dynamic society, pointing out that the spaces cultural and artistic field remains uneven among different regions in the country.

He also noted that the King is not acceptable as young burden on society, but must be dealt with like any other development sectors, which requires development of a comprehensive strategy to put an end to the fragmentation of services provided to the youth sector through the adoption of policies combine harmoniously all these services.

Addressing King also young Moroccan community residing abroad that praised for their country's services and achievements and efforts to maintain the bonds of belonging, and the development of Morocco at the heart of their concerns daily, and contribute to the development of the country with emphasis on the consolidation of relations between Morocco and the countries of residence.

He promised the royal speech individuals Moroccan communities abroad to continue to maintain their identity, and provide protection for their rights and interests, especially in light of the economic crisis in Europe, as well as full implementation of the provisions of the Constitution, which guarantees them to participate wider range in the construction of Morocco future, and active presence in the bodies march of the new institutions


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