(Part II)
In the first part of this file, dealt to inventory historic simple about the beginnings Benkirane in political work with the Royal Institution, and moved later to illustrate aspects of this rapprochement during social mobility who refused Benkirane participate, to finish the first axis identifies some of the reasons why the prime minister permanently praise for the institution of the monarchy.
Personal convictions or general trends
Disagreement deep, which occurred between a group of members of the Secretariat of the Party lamp and Benkirane during social mobility, and exit Ramid and الشوباني and protector of religion with demonstrations February 20 despite the rejection Aminhm year, revealed some variation in attitudes Benkirane and positions the rest of the members of his party, which could lead to the conclusion orientations different lamp Party as a whole.
However, the election Benkirane at the party conference last by up to 85 per cent as secretary general of the second consecutive time beyond such conclusions, AKP Egypt restore confidence in Benkirane and for his support and adopt decisions, and what supports it is fading voices opposition to Benkirane from within the party Even as it emerges from the Secretariat also signed Abdelaziz Avtate.
And confirms Bilal Allada, a member of the National Council of the party, that "justice and development to resolve the issue of partnership and enhance trust with the Royal Institution in the transition from the struggle for democracy to democratic structure, and the structures and institutions of the party executive or supervisory you staying up to download this thesis, and the Seventh Conference, which gave confidence to Professor Abdelilah Benkirane, a large majority is a function of the message that the party in all its components convinced partnership in the path of strengthening trust with the Royal Institution, and that this is the way to achieve democratic development and the fight against corruption and control. "
And walking almost in the same direction the leader of the Unified Socialist Party Ayman Marzouki albeit other, he says that measure head of government of the affair political in Morocco is not only the product of a mental Justice and Development Party, P "positions the prime minister of the Royal Institution remain mere discharge to the will of the party to which he belongs , because Benkirane unable to distinguish between his political beliefs and personal, and تقربه of the Royal Institution is not about him alone may also Istnj, but the party as a whole, which participated in the elections in order to achieve this goal, "continues Marzouki, who stressed that, even if Saad Eddine El Othmani president Government will present the same "acts" and "behavior" Benkirane. "
Royal Institution .. achieve political balance equation
And imposing nature of governance in Morocco partnerships between the government and the Royal Institution achieve the kind of political balance between the two institutions, new Constitution provided for the kind of sharing of powers between the prime minister and the king, where he confirmed, for example, that ministers are appointed proposal from the first, which has regulatory authority, has also the right appointment in the number of job-Semitism and public administrations, as well as the resolve of the House of Representatives, for the survival of a group of powers in the hands of the King Kriash Ministerial Council and the Supreme Judicial Council, as well as security and military institutions and religious.
However, some events indicate entanglement king's power with the head of the government in some matters, such as the question of appointment in sensitive positions especially with regard to ambassadors, and file public media who ask a lot of ink, and some development decisions such as those related to the initiatives of ownership, which makes the line of contact is a clearly defined and strongly between the two institutions.
In this regard see Idris Alknbura, a political analyst, that some behaviors Benkirane reflect the smarter politician especially with regard to the position last goal of apology to the king, and he says, "Benkirane understand that the measure of government in the country is linked to the quality of the relationship between any head of government and between the person of the King and his surroundings, because he took responsibility in a delicate stage, and in an unprecedented experience first, so he believes that the strengthening of trust with the Royal Institution is to guarantee the success of the current government experience. "
The Alknbura that this position reflects the political maturity and respect for the institution of the monarchy, especially as it was a public and not secret as in the past, and cites the fact that such an act is even in democratic countries, such as Spain, between government officials and King Juan Carlos, "there is no relationship This apology the Prime Minister's role in the real exercise of the powers conferred upon it by the Constitution "says Alknbura who adds that Benkirane should possess as well as bold and apologize to the citizens for some situations, as he was bold and apologized to the king including dragging of criticism.
Preferred party lamp Royal Institution?
Confidence of the people is what I bet it Royal Institution in Morocco always Fbte wheel of development in Morocco was often carries a street responsibility for those headed governments, rather than the institution of the monarchy, because the latter appear constantly telescope institution successful in their projects and proposals, while sticks failure government that is focus strongly on its side making blunders executive prone to eye.
However, the remarks Benkirane recent program "Without Borders" raised some of the reactions when hinted that the Islamic party came to rescue Morocco from danger in the aftermath of an explosion Arab Spring, and when we talk about saving Morocco, there can never be overlooked property, which may make some people infer The election of the class of Moroccan Party lamp may side Morocco of something similar to what happened in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Libya, when authorized Benkirane program popular watched millions of Moroccans and Arabs that his party did not come out in demonstrations on February 20 he is afraid on the property, Fastnteg like we mentioned above remains great intolerable, especially when not much aware political privacy Morocco ..
But deny this conclusion also does not mean the absence of preferred for Justice and Development Party on the property in the eyes of Hussein Mjdhuba, he considers his Benkirane had a great credit to spare property pressure that was exposed from the street from the February 20 Movement, which means that the interest shown by many of the protesters policy direction the royal palace was altered dramatically with the rise of government Benkirane, which won the bulk of the criticism, whether in the media or within the protest movements.
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