Lahcen Daoudi said Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, on Friday in Rabat, said that "Morocco need to strengthen the relationship between the king and the Justice and Development Party, and would otherwise be in danger."
He stressed Daoudi in a speech at the Summer Academy of frames tomorrow, which organized by the renewal student, under the slogan "elite productive and young entrepreneur Msarana to nation-building" in Rabat over the past week, that "the speech days the opposition is not a speech the government, which must be addressed for the battle and construction" , expressing his fear of not being able to build the national economy because of "threats to stability," adds Daoudi, who added that "we can not today talk about a consensus on the government nor on its head in a multi-such as the Moroccan society."
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research face his student for renewal students by saying, "The youth of today came in the crisis that can last for more than a decade", calling for the development of locomotive of the national economy, which is young and Qatrth frameworks according to the minister.
The new Daoudi emphasized that "no country can advance with regression of scientific research, warning that scientific research is the only solution which they can overcome the crisis that we them today," noting in this context that the "Institutes of Morocco became configurable only in the absence of Full of scientific research. "
In turn, the Minister of State Abdullah them, at the same meeting that "the choice that taken by Morocco Any reform in light of stability requires a collective will for reform of all the sites, because structures Moroccan society has not changed," says Deputy Secretary General of the ruling Justice and Development, which emphasized that "the wealth few which we produce in our country are not distributed fairly as a result of the absence of governance. "
For his part, Mohamed Hamdaoui President pointed Unification and Reform Movement, in a short speech that under authoritarian regimes was the category that most withdrawal frameworks, calling Moroccan frameworks to strong involvement in the reform process.
So called Muhammad Albrahima head of renewal for students, to read a democracy for the new constitution of the kingdom, calling for the need to involve young people in the measure and the involvement of student bodies in the fateful decisions that concern the country and in particular in the field Altalimz through what he called the pieces with stage rents political.
President of the Student Organization renewal stressed that any reform of the educational system must have a true breakthrough results to be positive, reiterated his organization's stance of supporting hard reform project in the Moroccan society.
He stressed Daoudi in a speech at the Summer Academy of frames tomorrow, which organized by the renewal student, under the slogan "elite productive and young entrepreneur Msarana to nation-building" in Rabat over the past week, that "the speech days the opposition is not a speech the government, which must be addressed for the battle and construction" , expressing his fear of not being able to build the national economy because of "threats to stability," adds Daoudi, who added that "we can not today talk about a consensus on the government nor on its head in a multi-such as the Moroccan society."
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research face his student for renewal students by saying, "The youth of today came in the crisis that can last for more than a decade", calling for the development of locomotive of the national economy, which is young and Qatrth frameworks according to the minister.
The new Daoudi emphasized that "no country can advance with regression of scientific research, warning that scientific research is the only solution which they can overcome the crisis that we them today," noting in this context that the "Institutes of Morocco became configurable only in the absence of Full of scientific research. "
In turn, the Minister of State Abdullah them, at the same meeting that "the choice that taken by Morocco Any reform in light of stability requires a collective will for reform of all the sites, because structures Moroccan society has not changed," says Deputy Secretary General of the ruling Justice and Development, which emphasized that "the wealth few which we produce in our country are not distributed fairly as a result of the absence of governance. "
For his part, Mohamed Hamdaoui President pointed Unification and Reform Movement, in a short speech that under authoritarian regimes was the category that most withdrawal frameworks, calling Moroccan frameworks to strong involvement in the reform process.
So called Muhammad Albrahima head of renewal for students, to read a democracy for the new constitution of the kingdom, calling for the need to involve young people in the measure and the involvement of student bodies in the fateful decisions that concern the country and in particular in the field Altalimz through what he called the pieces with stage rents political.
President of the Student Organization renewal stressed that any reform of the educational system must have a true breakthrough results to be positive, reiterated his organization's stance of supporting hard reform project in the Moroccan society.
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